About Us

Maths Hub® was established in 2004 by Mr Michael Lim, a dedicated educator whose passion is in teaching mathematics. From our humble beginning as a single centre located in Bukit Batok, Maths Hub® now has a number of centres island-wide and has since gained nationwide reputation as an enrichment centre that conducts Math enrichment and training for students as well as teachers. Maths Hub’s instructors not only teach in the centres, but are also engaged by local government schools to conduct Mathematical Olympiad programmes at their respective schools.
To date, we have established these centres island-wide to serve you better:
- Maths Hub® at Bukit Batok
- Maths Hub Enrichment Centre at Bishan
- Maths Hub Enrichment Centre at Kovan
- Maths n Science Hub at Redhill
- Math Arena at Tampines